Green Supply ( - for now and future
Green Supply's mission is simple: "Green Supply for now and future" starts from our home with the products we use and consume.
Most of the common household products contain toxic substances that are harmful to our health and polluting our environment. Example, some common household chemical cleaners contain carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) and also chemicals that pollute our water. Even the common fluorescent light bulb contains mercury, toxic metal that can damage liver, kidney and central nervous system.
Green Supply's goal is to offer a wide selection of Green, natural, environmentally-friendly, non-toxic household products, as well as building consumer and community awareness on the health and environmental benefits of Green products.
Green Supply have centralized and listed most Green household products into a single easy to navigate website:
Keywords: green, go green, green living, buy green, led, led ligting, bamboo, microfiber, green chemical, natural, eco friendly, mr 16